

The wonderful archaeologist and writer Jmmcdowell has very kindly nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award.  The rules are:

1.) Display the award logo on your blog.

2.) Link back to the person who nominated you.

3.) State 7 things about yourself.

4.) Nominate 15 bloggers for this award.

5.) Notify those bloggers of the nomination by linking to one of their specific posts so that they get notified by ping back.

So, here goes, seven facts about myself:

1. One of the most useful skills I ever learned was to touch type.  I learned at school on an old manual typewriter, carrying out drill after drill, hitting the correct key with the correct finger.  But it’s so useful that my fingers on the keys can now keep up with my thoughts much more easily than a pen on paper.

2. My first ‘proper’ job was making Christimas gift packs for The Body Shop.

3. I was a vegetarian for more than ten years, for ethical reasons, and often still feel guilty for eating meat again.

 4. I have a degree in Women’s Studies.  I spent three years reading books I loved to read and sitting in lectures and the pub debating sexual politics with like minded women.

5. The first record I bought with my own money was Boney M’s ‘Brown Girl in the Ring’ but I prefer the B-side.

6. I’m addicted to Coca Cola.

7. I love disaster movies.

I’d like to pass on the nomination to the following inspiring bloggers:

Gabriela Blandy – the sense of a journey

Ron Scubadiver’s wild life

A word in your ear



Flying over a forest

Lily Wight

Living in Maine

Scattering the light

Spider Goddess

The artful blog

The habitual runaway

The wind horse blog

The L. Palmer Chronicles

Strange flowers

18 thoughts on “Inspired

  1. Interesting facts, but how much do they contribute to you being the wonderful person you are today? I’d be interested to read more of your journey x


    • I agree, but you’ve made me wonder if touch typing will be a dying art – if you can’t feel the keys, how do you know your fingers are in the right place – I know you can get plug in keyboards for tablets, but it’s not the same – if I have to do it, I find typing on my tablet really frustrating.


  2. Oh my – we have a few things in common – I too was vegetarian for a long time & started eating meat after developing a B12 issue – I still feel guilty for eating meat! & I cannot throw it in the garbage! I also took Women’s Studies & am addicted to Pepsi *gasp* LOL! Thanks so much for the nomination! =)


  3. Pingback: Very Inspiring Blogger Award | Flying over a forest

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